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The Grand Budapest Hotel
Dinner & A Show :Grand Gestures of Food Sharing - Food is a powerful communication and bonding tool in the story behind the Budapest Hotel.

A Grand Day Out with Wallace & Gromit
A World of Cheese and Happiness: Wallace and Gromit are the quintessential connoisseurs of food. This adventure starts with them wanting to

Grave of the Fireflies
The Ugly Color of Childhood Starvation: A darker Ghibli film focusing on issues of childhood malnourishment and abandonment, resentment of

Guardians of the Galaxy
Food and Humor in Guardians of the Galaxy, by Carson Jolly

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Judging Through Your Food – Implicit racial bias is revealed through characters' choices of food and drink.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Miscegenation Sandwich: Brown Bread Slathered with Mayonnaise – An engaged interracial couple tries to gain the approval of their families.
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